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Rural African Innovation & Sustainable Economic Development

Celebrating AFPF's 40+ Years of Impact

For the past four decades, AFPF has been on a relentless mission to uplift communities and empower individuals to break free from the chains of poverty. As we celebrate 40 years of unwavering dedication, let's take a journey through the milestones, the stories, and the hearts that have shaped our remarkable organization.

The Beginning: A Personal Story of Transformation

AFP Foundation Logo

Looking to the Future

As AFPF enters its fifth decade of service, the road ahead is filled with new opportunities and challenges. With the ever-changing landscape of social issues and economic disparities, AFPF remains steadfast in its mission to create a more just and equitable society for all. By adapting to the evolving needs of the communities they serve and continuing to innovate their programs and services, AFPF is poised to make an even greater impact in the years to come.

In conclusion, AFPF's 40 years of impact is not just a milestone to be celebrated; it is a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and community. As we look back on the lives transformed, the challenges overcome, and the hope restored, let us continue to support and champion the invaluable work of organizations like AFPF in creating a better world for us all.

So, here's to AFPF - for 40 years of unwavering dedication, transformative impact, and a future filled with endless possibilities.



RAISED is a resource for the latest in sustainable economic development practices in Rural Africa. For nearly 35 years, we have connected North Americans with well-stewarded, quality development projects. With RAISED, we continue to cultivate this collection of development practices as well as stories of program impact.

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